
Sunday, November 16, 2014

The One Lovely Blog Award


First of all, I would like to thank Marissa for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award. Make sure you check out her blog: 
Here's what it is and how it works: "The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer and up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and also to help the new blogger to reach more viewers. It also recognizes blogs that are considered to be “LOVELY” by the fellow bloggers who choose them. This award recognizes bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to CONNECT with viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines:
Thank the person who nominated you for the award. 
Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.
Share 7 facts or things about yourself.
Nominate 15 or more bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog."

Seven facts about me:
1. Jesus Christ the Son of God is my Savior.
2. I sometimes eat leafy greens with my ice cream.
3. I write poetry.
4. I received the French Honors Scholar award my senior year of college.
5. I have been to France, China,  Iceland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Spain, and Canada.
6. I don't like dry climates.
7. Green is my favorite color.

I'm not going to nominate 15, I'm just going to nominate two:
What Kady Did  -A beautiful and artistic take on life, marriage, and family. 
Twig and Toadstool  -Full of beautiful whimsical faerie-esque crafts along with a few insights on life. 


  1. Stumbled across you via a comment you made on Marissa's blog. Liked what I read, so I'm going to follow along and comment from time to time. :)
